

Tife (Boluwatife - “God’s will”)

​Wong Chuk Hang (黃竹坑)


“I’m from Nigeria, and came to Hong Kong in 2020 as I got a scholarship to do a Masters degree in International Banking and Finance. My first impression of the city was that everything is so tiny! Back home, things are so much larger - the roads, the homes, the open space…so that has taken some time to get used to. I want to pursue a career in finance, which is why I came to this financial hub in the first place! My goal is to do a PhD in economics one day. I started working at this coffee shop after I attended one of the events here. My job is to ensure that everything at the cafe is running smoothly, look after finances and oversee sales - a little bit of everything!” 

「我係尼日利亞人,2020年嗰陣嚟咗香港,因為我攞咗獎學金嚟呢度讀國際銀行與金融碩士。我對呢個城市嘅第一印象係所有嘢都好細!喺我長大嘅地方,啲嘢係大好多,馬路啦、住嘅地方同埋室外嘅空間⋯⋯所以我要花啲時間去適應。我想喺金融業發展,因為咁我先至嚟咗呢個金融業嘅樞紐!我嘅目標係讀埋經濟學博士。我喺呢間咖啡店參與咗一個活動,之後就開始喺度做嘢喇。我會確保咖啡店嘅運作暢順,管理財政同埋睇住個銷量 - 乜嘢都做的啦!」


“I’m learning a lot here about how to run a business and I’ve really come out of my shell through my daily interactions with customers. I’ve also learned the importance of not taking things personally. Sometimes customers might be having a bad day - you never know what people are going through - but I choose not to absorb that negative energy and pass it on to other customers, because it’s important to maintain good service and a positive attitude. I’m actually an extremely introverted guy and find socialising in big groups particularly draining. I would never have agreed to doing this interview a few years ago! The team at this cafe has been encouraging me to build my confidence by engaging with people and making conversation - I’m very grateful for that and am growing into it!”

“A lot of Nigerians want to launch their career in the US, but I didn’t want to be like everyone else so I chose to explore Hong Kong instead. I soon discovered that there is a big African community here! Many of us come here to study and do business. I really miss Nigeria and haven’t been back in three years. My family is spread out across the world so we are thinking about meeting up in Dubai, which is somewhat in the middle! In my spare time, I like to write poetry and take inspiration from many things. Since coming to Hong Kong I’ve been writing more about Africa and my country. I also teach drumming and dancing at the Africa Centre on my days off, which I really enjoy. I used to be the guy happily dancing in the corner at a party, but now I’m quite comfortable being in the middle of the dance floor!"





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