


14:00 - 16:00 

“I’ve loved greenery since I was a kid and always wanted to become a gardener, which is unusual for a city girl! When I came across the urban rooftop farming course, I decided to give it a go - and it eventually led me to this job. Every day, I look after the plants at our different urban sites and take care of everything from seeding to fertilising to watering. I was a bit of a “plant killer” initially, but gradually and with practice developed my green fingers. It takes about 3 months to get from seeding to harvest, and it’s so satisfying to see the plants grow healthily and happily. When you eat vegetables that you grow with your own hands they just seem to taste that much better. I learned that it’s important to be very patient and observant, and to really care about each plant. That’s why I sometimes talk to the plants - you may not believe it, but it sure helps!” 


“Farming has changed my life. About seven years ago, I suffered from serious social anxiety and was so afraid to even leave my own home. I was in my late teens and had very little awareness about mental health at the time. Little by little, the condition spiralled into depression and anxiety. But then, slowly, I started to use my hands more and spent more time out in nature. Looking after plants and embracing nature has had a huge positive impact on me and really helped to regulate my moods. It’s also been a big confidence booster. There is something quite empowering about taking ownership of and looking after plants. I would encourage everyone to try it! Nature is really the best medicine.” 

“I've dabbled into different lines of work before - from kitchen work to early childhood education to working at a flower shop…through my journey I’ve realised that I’m the happiest when I’m outdoors and surrounded by greenery. A normal nine to five office job just would not suit me. I am grateful that my path has taken me here and I hope that more people can also experience the joy of urban farming in Hong Kong. I’m 26 years old and not sure what the future holds, but I’m excited to keep learning and growing in the farming and gardening world!”




「我之前做過唔同類型嘅工作,由廚房、到幼兒教育、到喺花店度做嘢……我發現自己喺戶外,俾一堆植物包圍住嘅時候係最開心嘅。一個正常嘅朝九晚五辦公室工作並唔適合我。好慶幸有呢啲經歷帶我行到嚟呢度,我希望多啲人有機會喺香港體驗到天台種植嘅樂趣。我今年 26歲,唔肯定將來係點,但係我好期待繼續喺耕種同埋園藝嘅世界裡面學習同埋發展!」

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