

Behind every NGO is a team of dedicated staff working tirelessly in the background. We feature the stories of the people behind the NGOs supported by The D. H. Chen Foundation. Compassion is at the heart of the Foundation's values. Each of the individuals we interview share their thoughts on compassion and what it means to them in their field of work.

Health in Action (醫護行者)


Nutritionist (營養學家)

“Compassion is not sympathy, but respect; it’s respecting the other enough to accept their point of view and to find solutions from their perspective.”


Fantastic Dream (網.想.正.)

Kit (傑 - “talent”)

Project Manager (項目經理)

“ With compassion, we can understand the environment and challenges that someone else is facing and really think about what they need, not what we think they need.” 


Buddolescent (青一釋)

Man (文 - “literary”)

CEO (總幹事) 

“ Compassion requires one to constantly learn, practise and experience; it’s about communicating with, understanding and learning from others.”


Little Life Warrior Society (生命小戰士會)


Kids Ambassador (兒童大使)

“Compassion means to see from someone’s point of view, understand their situation and care for them based on how they feel.”


Act Plus Education Foundation (樂言社教育基金)


Youth Program Officer (青年項目主任

“Compassion is not sympathy - it’s about being equals with someone and letting go of our ego to truly understand how they feel and how we can help.” 


Golden Age Foundation (黃金時代基金會)


Assistant Manager, Innovation Programme (創新項目助理經理)

“Compassion is about being patient and caring, and listening intently to allow the other person to fully express how they feel and what they need.”


VolTra (義遊)


Programme Manager (高級項目經理) 

“True compassion is being able to see from the eyes of the people you are trying to help what the problem actually is for them, and providing valuable support through those lenses.”


SLCO Community Resources (語橋社資)


Sign Bilingual Teacher ( 手語雙語老師 ) 

“Compassion can be expressed through language; it’s really all about patient communication, understanding and connection.“


MLH ( 晨曦青少年文教中心)

Yi (意 - “meaning”)

Administrative Volunteer (行政義工) 

"Being compassionate requires one to detach from any hierarchical or status barriers and fully be with the other without comparison."

「 用同理心去關懷一個人,首先要放低自己任何嘅階級或者身份地位,唔作任何比較,完全代入對方嘅處境。」


Yan (仁 - “kindness”)

Programme Manager (項目經理)

“Compassion, to me, means being able to bring people with differences together through a shared common language and that, for me, is sports.”


Heart-to-Heart ( 心繫心生命教育基金 )


Program Officer (項目主任)  

"I think compassion is about active listening, patience and accepting another’s emotions as fully valid."

「我覺得用同理心去對待一個人係要用心去聆聽, 有耐性同埋完全接納嗰個人嘅情感。」 

MakerBay (工匠灣)

Suet (雪 - “snow”)

Program Officer (項目主任) 

“Compassion applies everywhere. If like me, you are visually sensitive, it can be expressed through art, too.”

「同理心可以放喺生活任何方面,如果你好似我咁,視覺敏感嘅話, 都可以透過藝術創作去表達你嘅同理心 。」  

DADs Network

Cheung (昌 - “flourish”)

Service Development Supervisor (服務發展主管)  

"Compassion, to me, is about setting aside the tendency to compare and being with the other person in their own space and emotions fully." 

「同理心,對於我嚟講,係要放低嗰種互相比較嘅諗法,完全喺對方嘅世界同埋情緒入面陪伴佢。 」

HK Association for AD/HD (專注不足 / 過度活躍症(香港)協會)

Bo (保 - “protect”)

Administrative Worker ( 行政 工作人員)  

"Compassion to me means stepping into someone else’s shoes and acting accordingly to meet their needs."


Teen’s Key (青躍)

Bo ( 寶 - “treasure”) 

Outreach Worker (外展工作者) 

"Empathy and compassion should not exist only between people with the same values; true compassion is universal."

「唔應該只係關心同自己有相同價值觀嘅人,真正嘅同理心係一視同仁嘅。 」

Want to learn more about these NGOs? 

Read our field trip reports below

Shifting perspectives one story at a time.

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