



09:30 - 18:30

“I’ve been working with Heart-to-Heart for two and a half years. We’re all about life and death education and support, and my role here involves organising workshops, events and taking calls at our hotline to help people get the appropriate counselling support that they need. When people experience a bereavement of a loved one, there is of course emotional pain, helplessness and sometimes guilt. However, sometimes we forget about the practical aspects of losing someone important to us in our life. People may have lost the sole breadwinner in the family, or a source of childcare - so we also try to guide them through the more practical aspects to gradually help them get back on their feet. Compassion is a huge part of my work. In moments of grief, we often try to say uplifting things to encourage people to move on or see the brighter side. From experience, that is counterproductive and often adds more pressure. What people need is to fully experience and express their emotions; and to know that it is totally normal to feel that way. I think compassion is about active listening, patience and accepting another’s emotions as fully valid.”



“What I really love about Heart-to-Heart is that we also encourage people to reframe how they live through the lens of death. A question that we always throw out there is - ‘How would you like your friends and family to describe you at your own memorial service?’. We want to empower people to live their life to the fullest with no regrets and to treasure the people around them - because our time on earth is so precious. For me, I would want to be remembered as someone who is kind, caring and for making a meaningful positive impact on people around me. Festivities and birthdays may be events worth celebrating for many of us, but for people going through a deep loss, these are the loneliest of occasions. We organise events during these times to get our community together to play, eat and connect, to give them a space to share openly and provide mutual support. There is a lot of taboo, especially in Asian cultures, around the topics of life and death - we are working to break through that stigma. It’s a universal human experience, after all!”

“The topics that I deal with are often quite heavy and emotionally-taxing, so to release and maintain balance, I love to play music and go boxing. I self-taught myself to play the guitar 10 years ago and have been loving it since. These activities really help me to get rid of any ‘emotional garbage’ that I have, in order to be in a better state to support others. I am also doing a Masters degree in Social Work, which I think will allow me to better serve my community. Through my work, I hear a lot of stories of energy, strength and resilience which inspire me to better overcome challenges in my own life. I really believe that one of the best ways to cope with grief is to be in nature and with people around us - it’s all about making connections!”



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